What is the Particip-Arc network?

created in 2017 with the support of the French Ministry of Culture, is a network of actors engaged in citizen cultural research. Its aim is to encourage the sharing of experiences between members and the reflective analysis of their practices, whilst also promoting and developing citizen science in the fields of culture.
This web portal has been designed by the network in order to highlight the actions, members, projects, news, events and resources relating to cultural research and citizen science.
Who is the Particip-Arc portal for?

The Particip-Arc portal is where you’ll find information on the projects and people involved in citizen science in the fields of culture. So, whether you're a project leader, a contributor or just curious about culture, this portal is for you. Project leaders and anyone already involved in citizen cultural research can join the network – a community of actors keen to share their know-how, knowledge and experience – via this portal. Contributors and those curious about culture will find a showcase of projects in which they can get involved.
How can I get involved in a project?

In the project directory, search by keyword, theme, project type or location to find the project(s) that are of interest to you. The "Participate", "Try" and "Discover" buttons will take you to the project's dedicated website where you can find out how to take part.
Who can join the Particip-Arc network?

The Particip-Arc network is open to any individual or organisation involved in cultural research and citizen science who acknowledges the
network's value charter
and wishes to join the community of project leaders.
To become a member, simply create a member profile
For more information on how to become a member of the network, click
Who can register and create an account?

Any individual or organisation involved in cultural research and citizen science is welcome to open an account, providing that they are committed to upholding the network's charter of values and adhering to the values of the Particip-Arc network.
To become a member, simply create a member profile
For more information on how to become a member, click
I have a question, who should I contact?

If your question concerns the Particip-Arc portal, you can use the
If your question relates to one of the programmes, we suggest that you get in touch with the contact identified on each project description sheet.
As a network member, how can I publish a project, resource or news item?

As a network member, log in to the portal using your login details.You can then publish a resource, project or news item via the easy-to-use form on your project dashboard.
How can I find a network member in my area?

Simply consult the map of network members.